Our precious son was born 4 weeks ago and I am just now able tor sit down and write out the wonderful story of how he came into the world!
I am not sure where the past 4 weeks have gone...not to sleep that's for sure! But we are loving EVERY minute with this boy. It is so much more fun the second time around -- is that ok to say? The first time you have so much stress about becoming a parent, what having a baby will be like, how your life will change, etc etc. But we both feel like the second time those things have already all happened, so you are just EXCITED! I have been able to enjoy these first few weeks so much more this time around since I know he's fine...he's not going to die if I don't check his breathing every 30 minutes :)
My first baby came fairly quickly so this time around since we knew we had an hour drive to the hospital we wanted to leave as
SOON as I had contractions and just hang out, get dinner, go for a walk if needed to but I did
NOT want to be in labor in the car. I am so unbelievably thankful that everything went
so well. Praise God! I
was more nervous about this labor actually because I did know the pain that was coming!
(fuzzy "Go Time!" picture)
I started having some contractions around 5 pm on July 24th, very sporadic and not painful at all. I knew this pre-labor could last a long time but I also had the feeling that once active labor started, it would go very quickly and I wasn't sure when that was going to happen! We were having a BBQ at my parents and swimming and stuff but about an hour later I told Jeremy to eat some dinner cause I thought we should go home and pack stuff up. We got to the hospital around 8 pm and they told me I was at 3 cm....and I was only having mild contractions. We decided to go for a walk, get some starbucks and come back later. We did this twice---- lots of walking and Jeremy reminding me things would start to happen soon. It was actually a really special time of walking outside, watching the moon, stopping to pray and I love remembering those feelings of excitement, anticipation, nerves and peace :) By midnight I was still at a 3 and was only having contractions if I walked.........ug what!?!?
I love my midwife and that hospital SO much. They were just so amazing the whole time. Instead of discrediting what I had told her about my first labor she agreed that once things actually started it would probably move quickly. They said we could stay in a postpartum room and sleep. She said we could stay the whole night if we wanted......so sweet. I don't know any hospital that would let you just sleep there all night even if nothing happened progress wise.
Jeremy promptly fell asleep :) Love him.
But I could not get comfortable so I decided to go for a walk in the serenity garden. I had 4 intense contractions while I was out there (and of course texting -- haha shout out Whitney and Heather :) so at 1 AM I came back and said, "Ok I think I should at least get checked out." I started shaking pretty badly, also another clue things were moving along!
When I got checked I was at a 7 ! Yea! I was shocked I went from a 3 to a 7 in an hour, yea! Things moved so quickly from there on out. They knew I wanted to labor and deliver in the tub so they made such a nice area with candles and music. So funny that after all those Bradly Classes my hubby and I took (and all his handouts he had in his pocket to remember........he's cute :) things again moved so quickly we didn't use much of them! But the information was definitely there in my mind! I kept doing what my instructor had said and with each contraction envisioned the baby's head moving down.............and............yes by the end all Bradley went out the door and I was screaming again like last time.
Oh well!
It's hard work.
Seconds Old!

(ahhhh all done!)
Jeremy was such an amazing coach. I love that we did those classes together, it made our teamwork a lot more fluid. He did such a good job encouraging me, putting cloths on my head and so much more!
My mom and sister got there in time but my other 2 sisters arrived 10 minutes after he was born!
I felt so bad after they drove so far at 3 in the morning. This labor was so different from my first in so many ways! It was VERY different not having my water break till the end this time, I prefer it breaking in the beginning!!!! Also this boy's head and shoulders were much larger.............................enough said.
I did not enjoy pushing the head out,,,,,,,,,,,,,
then pushing the shoulders out.
William was born at 3:09 am weighing 7 lbs 12 oz and 19 inches long, head 14 inches.
I am SO thankful for how this birth went! That moment when you grab your baby is unlike anything I have ever experienced. There are so many emotions (and JOY from knowing you are done with that pain!).
It was so amazing to have him Thursday morning and be eating dinner at home Thursday night.
I love this boy!