Nom Nom Foods.....

I'm the kind of person who I like to label as the "Aspiring SUPER healthy eater". See how there's basically no commitment is labeling yourself that way haha. The thing is, I've had the unfortunate privilege of now knowing what goes into my mouth really matters, more than I ever used to give credit too. Where I once didn't think twice about the things I would eat I have seen, read, learned and mostly importantly experienced, how much it is the fuel to the body and can quickly wreck havoc on ones system. Sometimes I stupidly wish I could go back to that naive way of living where I didn't care what I ate but I also know it's that kind of lifestyle that got me in trouble in the first place. I do feel incredibly fortunate to have access to the knowledge of how food correlates to health! I hope to share my health story sometime on here.

The reason I call myself the aspiring healthy eater is because of that knowledge, I KNOW what we should eat and we hold to it about 80% of the time. Ok maybe 75%, come on, it's Christmas. That means I can have a killer paleo day of eggs, kale, soup with bone broth and top off my night with oreas, potato chips and any source of sugar I can find it my cupboards. UGH!!

On this Food Boards I hope to share recipes, articles, videos and anything else that I've found helpful in this healthy food journey.

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