Looooook at this beautiful space right now! My hubby gave me the gift of a couple hours no kids this afternoon and I'm at a local coffee shop soaking it up.
A little cliche for me to post today but it was actually a great exercise for me to go through the process of thinking through and even writing out my hopes for this coming year. With most, the end of something usually causes us to look back and reflect on what was. I have a tendency to not reflect when things come to and end and continue bulldozing ahead. I'm grateful for the time to sit and think about this last year. What did God do? Where did I grow? How did I struggle? What new patterns have I developed good or bad? How have my kids changed? How has my marriage changed?
When I think of "resolutions" there are a few things that instantly come to mind. Of course these a more than a quick and easily fizzed out resolution - or lets pray they are - and I my hope is they truly become a life change.
First and foremost - 1. Quiet Time with the Lord DAILY.
Every time we have a baby it's really hard for me to get back into a designated time with God. Obviously the weeks after with a newborn are the most challenging, and that's when I know reading a verse here and a verse there is all my brain capacity has energy for - and Jesus is there with me in that as well. But my youngest is almost 9 months old and I've still had a hard time getting that daily daily time. I have lots of good reasons why that's challenging but none of those matter cause my spirit is desperately longing for that time.
I need it.
I was chatting with some friends recently about how it seems like lately it's easy to say to someone "oh I know it's so hard I never read scripture either, I totally get it". Almost like now it's the cool thing to say how BAD we are at something too. While trust me, I love that empathy and being in the word/sitting with God is never something to check off a list -- we all agreed as we chatted that it would be so refreshing for someone to say something more like "Oh man, it's SO hard to get that time but it's so so valuable. What do you think you could do to work around that? Can you help me too?" Hebrews 10 says 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
I hope that along with my daily TIME with Jesus, I am able to spur others and and be encouraged on by others to make that time in the word a non-negotiable. Again, not because it's "law" or the mark of being "good", but because it's a joyous time and I can easily feel when I'm not getting it in.
2. Phones Down People.
I've noticed a big upswing (word?) in my phone usage this year, and I don't like it. Listen, I love phones and I specifically appreciate them when needing directions and also on days when I'm home with littles all day to feel connected to the outside world through social media. I think it's so cool how we can stay connected with people and have a sense of community without even leaving our house..........BUT.........I also see a lot of problems (please remember this is my issue - I am by no means judging your use of your phone or praising your lack there of). I've realized that whenever I'm waiting for an appointment, coffee, food whatever for more than a few minutes I instinctively pull out my phone. It's like our brains are getting more and more wired to need to be entertained all. the. time. Like we aren't able to be still for a minute, alone with our own thoughts, or be bored. Guys, I've even moved the facebook and instagram app to the last page of my home screen INSIDE a folder. Let's hope that helps. I desperately do not want to miss out on things with my children or opportunities around me because my face is in my phone. It also is/can be an addiction and I don't like that thought either. It's like our go to when we are uncomfortable - think about a time you've seen someone or something and just to avoid the awkwardness you pick up your phone! Jeremy and I are working out what this will look like in our home as well. We want to put a time where the phones go away for the rest of the evening. We will see how it all plays out :)
3. Get Healthy (er)
2016 brought on some health challenges for me that weren't expected and I am still working through. When I'm ready to post about that I will haha. But I'm mostly excited for this year getting my body healthy! I'd love to take up a new activity like running (gag me....I mean......fun?) or dare I say, dance again. I'd have to find some adult class with no mirrors so I'm not humiliated by what I see hahahaa.
4. Encourage.
The Lord has been so good to me. He has put friends around me this year that I can't even express enough thanks for. Even one friend like that would be a treasure. I long to be an encourager by habit. There's no reason to limit or be stingy with our words of praise and I pray that God will use me and my words and actions to bring joy to my friends this year.
5. Finish books.
I am TERRIBLE at starting books and not finishing them. I want to finish all those last chapters in books I've have the lack of discipline to finish! I'm working ever so slowly through Dillow's "Calm My Anxious Heart" and am realllllly enjoying it. If you struggle with anxiety in any capacity I encourage you to check it out. She talks so much about taking control of YOUR mind and thought life and laying down the worry and anxieties for God's peace and joy. I'll share more as I get through it!
6. Blog More
I love this space. Even if just for myself it gets my thoughts organized and my focus realigned many times. It's almost like when you've been in your own head for way too long with something and once you get it down you realize - wow that is way not as big of a deal as I've turned it into in my mind! Words on paper (or screens) can get those thoughts in place. I love to read back from years past as God walked with me through highs and lows.
Okay that is way more than I planned to put down - I feel like I could go on forever about what I hope would happen in 2017. The coming days are His and I am grateful for all the breaths he's giving to me. This life is a gift - hard, sometimes so hard, but a gift. Knowing the love God has for me and you sets a peace so deep in my heart and I pray it does for you too!
Happy New Year!

Thank you so much for sharing your heart! Those are things so many struggle with--regardless of age. There are always things that come in and want to steal the time that we so value! God Bless You and Yours!
Good stuff. Reading others blogs always makes me want to write and also think deeplier about my own life. Thanks for sharing
Mine are super similar to yours-blog more, more quiet time and put the phone down! Glad to have found you :)
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