Friday, January 17, 2014

Baby to the PICU :(

I'm sure I echo the rest of the NATION when I say......
"I am done with sicknesses! Come on Spring".

I already don't like winter -- [other than the boot socks, because, come on, they're adorable] -- 
so add in nasty flu bugs, rain that keeps you inside, cold that keeps you inside even when it's not raining, and darkness that makes the day end at 4:45 it's not my favorite time of year. But just like watching your child become their adorable playful self after a long flu bug, sweet spring will come after cold and darkness (am I comparing winter to one long nasty flu bug? maybe.....)

I had written that last paragraph before the last few days where sickness hit our house even more :( On Tuesday morning early I could tell my baby boy was running his first fever. I was praying "Please let him not be like his sister and have fevers for 5 days, I can't do that with both my kids!" By afternoon after hours of him screaming which is NOT normal I really just felt like something was off. I went to urgent care so he could get checked out where we were finally able to get some medicine down him without him throwing it back up. I was really confident that would make him a much happier baby! Unfortunately by evening his coughing was worse and he was not happy at all :(
 He started laboring very hard to breath in and out so we took him in the bathroom hoping the steam would help. Those few minutes were some of the most stressful of my life. Juliana had woken up from nap on the wrong side of the bed and was whining and hanging on my legs, I am also sure she picked up on the stress in our voices as William started to breath worse and worse. He began to sound like a seal when he breathed in and out and his chest was going in super far when he inhaled. I noticed his hands turning purple and I can tell you, that is the worst feeling cause there is nothing you can do! In my head I was going through options, more steam, call 911? -- even they wouldn't get here in time,  how to do CPR in case he stopped altogether -- what were the instructions for babies again???? pray pray pray. Thankfully we were able to really calm him down (the crying was making it worse!) and his breathing slowed down a lot.
We decided to to the ER -- oh wow what a place. I actually had never been! A midst the circumstances Jeremy and I actually were having fun watching all the crazies. Not sure who entertained us most..............The guy who checked himself in with a folder stacked full of articles he'd printed from online describing his new disease, the pregnant girl bringing in her old boyfriend who's eye was broken in 20 places and bleeding everywhere (we heard later cause he ended up in the room next to us :) or the man who kept coming within a foot of my face and staring at me while blood dripped out of his mouth, yuck excuse you!
------needless to say I bundled William up and we waited out in the fresh air for most of the time.
Hours later after waiting, testing, waiting, and more testing they diagnosed him with croup and RSV. I could tell it wasn't going to be good news when the Dr who had previously been running in and out so quickly he barely listened to my description of his symptoms, then came in and sat down, sighed, and said "so.....he has RSV. And we take this pretty seriously especially under 6 months so we want to transfer him to be admitted". We were definitely surprised, we were sure we would be home in bed in the next hour and instead we weren't sure what the next few hours would hold. I kept reminding myself that things seemed scarier than they were. Transferring your baby by ambulance seems scary, even though the process is not that bad. Needing him to be hospitalized seems scary but I knew he was breathing fine, that it was a good place for him to be, and that we wouldn't be there long.

Unfortunately I got so carsick in that ambulance. I apparently don't do well after not sleeping for 48 hours, not eating or drinking in way too long, then being strapped by a 5 point harness to the wall of a large van where all the windows are reflective and all you can see is yourself. Yikes. It didn't help that the paramedic next to me showed me videos of his girlfriend's toddler for the hour drive to the hospital. Even as they were pushing the gurney into the elevator and up the hospital stories he was still showing me many times can you say "awe he's so cute" while trying to keep your eyes open and focus on your own sick baby :(

The PICU at this particular hospital is amazing. They were quick, caring and so helpful. I felt so at ease there. William didn't appreciate being hooked up but I was grateful to be able to hold and nurse him.
 We were discharged later that day and 2 days later we are still not in the clear but they say it is very unlikely he will have another breathing episode. Just got back from the Dr and his oxygen levels are good. He just sounds like a bad smoker now :( I can't wait till he is back to his usual self.

We are SO SO SO grateful for all our family who took care of our 2 year old, cleaned our house, held William so we could sleep (finally!!!!) and all our friends who have emailed, called, and texted. But most of all for all of those who prayed for us and him! I am sure he will be fine :)

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