Today is my husband and my 8 year wedding anniversary!
Sometimes I feel like what on earth where did time go?
But then I see it back almost like a movie - our wedding, first year of apartments and school work **hehe such babies**, living in India, having our first baby, buying a house, another baby, traveling, a third baby.
All the bedtime stories and memories of our little family come crashing in and then I see where the time has gone. I love that I thought the wedding day was the BEST when really it was the start - I didn't think I would ever be happier or love my husband more than that day. I had no idea it got so much better, and better and better.
Our anniversary came at a sweet time this year as a good friend of mine is getting married on Saturday. Last night a bunch of us stayed up wayyyy too late chatting and sharing stories but then as we began to give more solid and honest advice to this wife to be --it was so encouraging for ME to sit and listen and share. All our highs and lows over the years and what helped us works through them and to take the time for a second to reflect on the last 8 years. We are so so so busy in life. Running running and always in a hurry. I haven't stopped and thought about early marriage nerves and advice in such a long time. It took me back to this day 8 years ago. That's when our life was joined into one and we became our family. I never imaged many of the places we have been in over the years. Some painful, but many wonderful. I could never, ever have hoped that God would bring someone like him to me. He dreamed with me in those early years in all the excitement of what God had for us in life, he was anxious with me while we waited for our first baby and becoming parents, and was exasperated along with me in the many sleepless nights that followed. He has held me together and lifted me up when I have crumbled in pain and grief and has loved me like Christ loves his church. I could not love him more.......but then again I thought that 8 years ago :)
Happy Anniversary Babe!

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