Saturday, December 15, 2012

An order of Pad Thai please!

Ever since we were Thailand for a while, I have been in LOVE with Thai food. Thai food is known for it's amazing blends of spicy, sour and sweet. Everything from their curry to soups to noodles is amazing.
But my favorite is still the classic -- Pad Thai. While nothing can compare with authentic, off the street THAILAND Pad Thai. There are several places here that are really good! After lots of years of trying all the Thai places around (such hard work but I sacrificed and got it done :) I definitely have my favorites. 

But we can't go out for Thai food all the time ($$$$$) So I've found my favorite for at home cookin!
The "A Taste of Thai" kit has a larger sauce packet, although I like the Thai Kitchen ingredients better and the overall taste is more authentic. 
(did you even think you needed this information?Haha)
BUT the Taste of Thai noodles are WAY thicker and I like that too!

The fun part about the boxes at home is that you have the freedom to either keep it simple and authentic, or just go ahead and throw in bell peppers, carrots, whatever. 

I like to keep ours basic :) Just the protein (tofu and chicken), noodles, bean sprouts, egg and green onion. 

Even though I was only cooking for the 2 of us I made 2 boxes (and we hardly had left overs :S) so I tried one of each :) Yummmmmoooo! 

And although in Thailand you would just get the basic Pad Thai dish wrapped in a banana leaf, I DO love the toppings we've added here in the good ol USA :)  My favorites are fresh bean sprouts, shredded carrot, cucumber ribbons with rice vinegar, peanuts and cilantro with lime juice!

Go make some Pad Thai and enjoy!!!!!

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